Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cellulite Smellulite

Q. Dear Natasha, is it possible to get rid of cellulite? I have tried every cream on the shelves but nothing has worked. Please help!

A. So, let me see if I'm following you. Dimples on one set of cheeks is cute, dimples on another set of cheeks, not so cute?

You can certainly diminish the appearance of cellulite. The condition itself will always remain if it's genetic and not simply due to being overweight. Don't fret, I have some good news. You CAN diminish the visible signs of it. Here's how:
  1. Drink lots of water. This will help flush out the toxins.
  2. Move! Cardio each day will help improve circulation, a contributing factor to the visible signs of cellulite.
  3. Increase muscle mass by strength training with heavy resistance. The more muscle you have the less fat you will have. Cellulite and fat go together. You can be skinny fat (thin but a high ratio of fat/muscle) and still have cellulite.
  4. Dry brush or massage your skin each night and, for the brave, try cold showers to help improve circulation.
  5. Some swear by daily doses of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. I don't have personal experience with this but if you want more info, google it.
  6. Consider fish oil supplements to help improve circulation.

What won't work:

  1. Liposuction. In fact it can make it much worse. Stay away.
  2. Body wraps - you're losing nothing but water and it will return very quickly. Save your money!

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
