Friday, March 20, 2009

Touchy Feely Preachers

Day 1 of the March Madness pool and I'm already in trouble. I don't really understand the brackets, but I'm told I will not be passing go or collecting $200. All season long, I could not care less about college basketball, but put me in a pool and I'm as involved as the Coach. My pool ranking of 53 out of 70 confirms what your gut instincts are likely telling you regarding my coaching abilities; I suck. Puleeze, I'm lucky if I can remember what color shirts my team is wearing. It was so much easier back in the day when it was skins vs. shirts. Football on the other hand? Well, I don't want to be cocky but I must tell you I suck slightly less at that sport. Baseball lost me at hello up until the bottom of the 9th. Do they really need to play a trillion games a season with a whole 9 innings? We need one game a week and one inning with a top and a bottom, just like the makings of a good outfit minus the bling.

Enough about sports. Let's talk about motivation. Some touchy feely preacher once said change comes from a positive place. They have a point. You are unlikely to succeed in your quest to get in shape if your source of motivation is coming from a feeling of negativity. Here are some examples of positive and negative motivation:

Negative: I need to lose weight, else I'll never have a boyfriend/girlfriend/friend with benefits.
Positive: I'm so excited to lose the weight because it will bring in new opportunities for me.

Negative: I need to lose weight, else I will die.
Positive: Once I lose the weight, I'll be able to enjoy sports/swimming/dancing/walking...

Negative: I need to lose weight because I'm the worst on my b-ball team.
Positive: When I lose the weight my jump shots will kick a$$.

Do you see the difference? One generates the feeling of not being good enough, the other generates a feeling of excitement and anticipation. You're going for the latter.

Here's your homework. Identify 3 reasons for you to lose the weight and get in shape. Most likely you will think of negative reasons, your next task is to turn it into something positive. Get your number 2 pencil and begin now.

Summer is coming folks. I don't want you knocking on my door asking for a quick fix diet June 1st because you spent Spring on your sofa. You know you're going to want to look good in a swimsuit so act now.

Tick tock!



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