Thursday, March 19, 2009

Paging Dr. Nature

Rarely am I sick, but when I am, and it requires antibiotics, I know I'm in for a long road. 9 times out of 10 I will have an allergic reaction. I can eat whatever I want, but antibiotics never fail to make me look like a freak from the streets.

Thanks to my allergies to mold, my first instinct is to search for alternative treatments that our medical community sadly has no knowledge of. Below is what I've learned through my trials and tribulations. Keep in mind, I am not a Doctor. Not even close. This is what has worked for friends and family, as well as for myself. It may or may not be good for you. I encourage you to do your own research and speak with your Doctor before trying anything. Everything I've learned, I read on sites such as It's an amazing site.

I'm intentionally not offering recommended dosages to encourage you to do your homework. You can leave a comment or email me if you need more info.
  • High blood pressure: Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (see previous posting on this)
  • Acne: Zinc supplements and lots of water.
  • Teeth whitening: Brush with paste of baking soda and water.
  • Skin exfoliation: wash with baking soda and almond or olive oil once a week. I know it's tough to imagine putting oil on your skin but if it's the right kind of oil, it will not clog your pores. Seriously, this stuff is better than anything I bought at a super market. Google non-comedogenic oils to see how they rate.
  • Dry skin and chapped lips: raw, organic honey (not the kind that comes in a teddy bear shaped container). You can get this in the organic section of Shaw's, Whole Foods, etc..
  • Shorten the duration of colds: Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (this stuff is a miracle worker). Just be sure to do your reading, there is a lot to know on this as it can breakdown any medications you may be taking if the timing of your dose is incorrect. It can also be bad for your teeth if you don't rinse well immediately after and dilute it with enough water.
  • Allergies/Sinus problems: Saline spray. You can find a product called 'Salt Air' at your local drugstore. Many also swear by Nettie pots.
  • White coating on tongue: brush tongue with a paste of water and sea salt for an immediate fix, and drink lots of water. This can be a sign of dehydration. After a couple weeks of drinking sufficient amounts of water, the coating will disappear if that was the cause. Chinese medicine use the color of the tongue to help diagnose conditions. It's pretty interesting. You can google it for more info.
  • Preventing wrinkles: Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. You can take my word for this, no need to check with your Doctor. A tan today is not worth the wrinkles you'll have tomorrow. Besides, smooth fair skin is in these days. Go with it.
