Saturday, January 17, 2009

Apple Cider Vingar lowers blood pressure?

The Experiment:
  • Test claims made on reporting one can lower blood pressure with daily doses of diluted Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • 73 year old female
  • On medication for high blood pressure and epilepsy
  • Has rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis
  1. For 3 weeks, volunteer will drink 2 teaspoons of Braggs ACV in 16 ounces of water, twice a day.
  2. To protect teeth from acidic liquid, volunteer drank through a straw and rinsed mouth out immediately upon finishing beverage.
  3. Volunteer took first dose 3 plus hours after taking any prescribed medications (acid could breakdown medication if taken too soon),
  4. Volunteer has osteoporosis. ACV can prevent the body from absorbing nutrients, as well as possibly making medications ineffective. As a result, Volunteer spoke with family Dr to determine when it would be best to drink this.
  5. Volunteer continues to take all medications.
  • Starting blood pressure (controlled by medication): 168/80
  • Ending blood pressure (controlled by medication and ACV): 127/80
Result: Success!

I am in NO WAY suggesting you do this. I am sharing stories from my life with you. I am not qualified to offer advice of any kind. Always speak with your doctor before attempting anything described on this site. You and your Dr. know best.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This worked for me! My doctor was amazed. Thanks so much!

Friday, March 20, 2009  

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